Better Times Token


Better Times Token is a cryptocurrency whose unique properties and staking mechanisms are designed to help eliminate poverty from the world as its value increases.


Token guidelines are a concept of the Sacred Coin Protocol.

They are recommendations intended for those who interact with the coin, stored in the token contract in a standardized way, to permit easy retrieval.

The token guidelines are the following:


Help to remove poverty

Every time you share or stake the coin, think of ways in which you can help to remove poverty in the world, and whenever possible act on those thoughts. It can be something at the level of your family, your community, your city, up to the whole world.

Share the coin with those in need

Perhaps one of the best ways to potentially remove poverty is to share the Better Times Token with those who find themselves fallen on hard times. That way, a high demand of the coin can become synonymous with reducing poverty in the world, since whoever has these coins will have their finances improving.


UPNUP is to be found on the Polygon blockchain, so before you can get or utilize UPNUP, you need to connect to Polygon. You can add the Polygon network to your Metamask by pressing the button below.


Better Times Tokens are not for sale. You can, however, get them by using the faucet form below. This faucet contains 100 coins, for demonstration purposes.

Note: The faucet will only drip one token per wallet, to avoid needlessly depleting it.


This page uses Metamask, so once you get UPNUP, whether on Polygon or Ethereum, make sure that you add the token to your Metamask account, so that you can see your balance. You can do so by pressing the button below:


This section allows you to stake UPNUP, earn rewards, and help remove poverty from the world! If this is your first time here, please to know what to do, and understand how the Better Times Token works.

What is the type of message that you would like to add with your stake?


Once 3 days have passsed since the moment you staked, you can unstake your coins and claim your rewards.


If you've staked some Better Times Tokens, you can check to see how much time you have left until your deadline to unstake and claim your rewards using the button below.


Staking the coin earns you rewards, and is the only way to increase supply of the coin from 1 million, which were initially minted, to its maximum supply of 679 million tokens, which represent the number of people currently in poverty.

The staking mechanism was uniquely designed to align with the goal of removing poverty from the world.

Our hope is that as the number of coins increases via staking, the number of people in poverty around the world decreases!

There are a few things to know about the staking process, which will be explained below.

Your Better Times message

When you stake the coin, you will need to add a message. This message will be stored on the blockchain as an event, for everyone to see. The message can take one of two formats, and you can select which one suits you every time you stake:

● Type 1: Lately, I helped to remove poverty from the world by [insert the rest of the message here].

● Type 2: [Insert name]'s challenging times story is [insert story] .

These messages form a crucial part of the mechanism by which the Better Times Token aims to remove poverty from the world.

Firstly, by nudging people to think of ways that they can help remove poverty from the world.

And secondly, by having people who have had challenging times write their story, as inspiration for others.

Timeframe for staking the coin

When you stake the coin, you will need to choose the staking duration.

You can stake your coin either for 1 week, 2 weeks, or 4 weeks. The smaller the timeframe THE HIGHER the rewards. That's right.

● If you stake for 4 weeks, your reward is 0.1% of the amount you stake per hour.

● If you stake for 2 weeks, your reward is 0.16% of the amount you stake per hour.

● If you stake for 1 week, your rewards are 0.2% per hour. That's double than if you were to stake for 4 weeks!

The reason why you are rewarding for staking for less time is because the value of the coin rests in its ability to nudge people into thinking of ways to remove poverty, and the more often people need to come on this website do that, the better.

But there's a catch to the staking mechanism! See next section.

Deadline for collecting rewards

You will need to withdraw your tokens before your timeframe ends in order to collect any rewards. So if you staked for 1 week, you will need to withdraw your token before a week passes. If you staked for 2 weeks, it will need to do it before 2 weeks pass, and so on.

If the amount of time that passes is over the timeframe you select (1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks), and you haven't either withdrawn your stake, or added more UPNUPs to the stake, then you lose your rewards! This is so as to have users interact with the coin and therefore increase its value. Don't worry, you will still be able to withdraw the original amount of tokens that you staked at any point, so even if you forget, you will not stand to lose. But do set a reminder for when your deadline is.

Extend the deadline

You can extend the deadline by adding more UPNUP to the stake. That automatically compounds your stake, and resets your timer.

Or you can withdraw your stake, and then restake, which will reset the timer as well. The process will cost you some gas, but the mechanics are intentional, to give you space to think of how to use your new amount of Better Times Token. Perhaps by giving some away to those you meet that have hit upon hard times.

Cooldown period

The last thing to know is that you cannot withdraw your tokens until the cooldown period has passed, which is 3 days after staking. You can, however, add new coins to reset the timer at any time.


That's it, you're now ready to stake some UPNUP, and be part of the revolution to help remove poverty from the world.

to continue to the staking form.


Click on the button below to see the Better Times Token Contract, together with the Sacred Staking mechanism that was created especially for this project!

With it, you can build your own Sacred Coin with a staking functionality today!


  • Why was the Better Times Token created?

    The Better Times coin was created as part of the ETHGlobal Road to Web3 hackathon.

    The reason why I created this Token as my project is because I hated passing by people on the street that have hit upon hard times and was powerless to help them beyond giving them a pound or two.

  • What's in store for the coin in the future?

    My vision for the coin is:

    ● To be able to easily send anyone I meet on the street a Better Times Token together with a small amount of MATIC. The ideal mechanism is to get their email, and build a way to send them the details of a wallet that contains a Better Times Token and some MATIC automatically.

    ● To provide tutorials that walks them through onboards them to the platform and have them be able to stake their Better Times Token and share their story in the process.

    ● To create a liquidity pool that has the Better Times Token which will allow people to buy or sale the coin.

    I would like to see investing in this coin become synonymous with helping those that have hit upon rough times, to help them be on the UPNUP (Get it?).

  • What blockchain does the coin run on?

    The token runs on the Polygon blockchain, an efficient, scalable blockchain solution.

  • What is the coin maximum supply?

    The maximum supply of the coin is 679 million UPNUP, which, according to the latest estimates, is the amount of people who currently live in poverty. Only one million tokens were minted initially, and only by staking can this amount increase.

  • What do I need to do to get UPNUP?

    Just head over to the section, and follow the instructions.

    You can also find me on Twitter as tokenosopher, and ask me for one. I will gladly share.

  • Other coin technical specifications

    ● Coin Standard: ERC-20 with the Sacred Coin add-on

    Token Contract Address on Polygon